A Servant Leader

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I am humbled to have been awarded a PhD from the University of Alabama in Birmingham in Interdisciplinary Engineering. Perhaps I should focus this post on my achievement, but I would rather highlight the leadership of my PhD committee chair - Dr. Richard A. Esposito and thank him for his role in this degree.

Most people understand the concept of servant leadership. Many want to be seen by others as being a servant leader and some even self-proclaim themselves as such. But only a few actually demonstrate this in their daily lives.

Richard Esposito is the real deal. He is a remarkable servant leader. Whether or not you perceive him that way, I don’t think he really cares. He just does it.

I have known Richard for many years and I am always amazed at his generosity and how he gives back in every area of his life. He assumes a voluntary leadership role in every organization he joins. He gives back to his profession way beyond any normal expectation. He is a geologist who is respected by his peers all over the world. My son Ben just graduated with a geology degree and Richard sought him out and took the initiative to show an interest in Ben’s career path ahead. He encouraged my son more than he realizes. Richard has done the same for countless others. All my sons have had incredible deer hunting opportunities because Richard has joy in seeing a young person experience deer hunting. Richard goes the extra mile in all that he does. He is a true and loyal friend.

I pursued a PhD only because Richard encouraged me to do it. He showed true leadership throughout the process and called me regularly to encourage me or even give me a butt kick when needed.

My congratulations for this PhD go to Dr. Richard Esposito. I have learned as much about servant leadership from him as I did in my subject matter.

Thank you for your leadership and friendship to me and to so many others.

Danny Smith