Let the Brownfields Competition Begin!
Photo by Danny Smith
EPA recently issued a Request for Proposals and Guidelines for 2018 Brownfields Assessment Grants, Brownfields Cleanup Grants, and Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants. These grant awards are very competitive. Primarium has been engaged to participate in the competition by developing a Community-Wide Assessment grant application for a client in EPA Region 6. An application prepared by Primarium was a 2017 grant recipient in EPA Region 4. The grant application process is challenging with a short preparation deadline, but it is also enjoyable and rewarding as it provides opportunities to meet incredible people and capture their visions for improving communities, addressing environmental problems, and revitalizing Brownfields sites.
The proposal submission deadline is November 16, 2017.
Here are the available Brownfields funding opportunities:
Assessment Grants (funded over three years)
Community-wide or Site-Specific Applicants: Applicants may apply for up to $200,000 in hazardous substances funding or up to $200,000 in petroleum funding.
Community-wide Applicants: Applicants applying for both hazardous substances funding and petroleum funding may request a combined total up to $300,000; however the request for hazardous substances funding or petroleum funding cannot exceed $200,000 for any one individual type of grant funding. For example, an applicant may apply for $200,000 in hazardous substances funding and $100,000 in petroleum funding.
Assessment Coalition Applicants: Applicants may apply for up to $600,000 in hazardous substances funding and/or petroleum funding.
Revolving Loan Fund Grants (funded over five years)
Applicants, including RLF Coalitions, may apply for up to $1,000,000 in hazardous substances funding and/or petroleum funding.
Cleanup Grants (funded over three years)
- Applicants may request funding to address either a single brownfield site, or multiple brownfield sites, within each proposal.
- An applicant may request up to $200,000 in each proposal.
- An applicant can submit up to three cleanup proposals.
EPA Guidelines for each type of grant application are available on EPA’s website at: https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/announcing-new-request-proposals-fy-2018-brownfields-assessment-revolving-loan-fund-and
Primarium can help.